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Camel Integration and Development with Red Hat Fuse on OpenShift (JB421)

Note: Learn to develop, implement, test, and deploy applications utilizing enterprise integration patterns (EIP).

Course Description:

Camel Integration and Development with Red Hat Fuse on OpenShift (JB421) is a hands-on, lab-based course that gives Java™ developers and architects an understanding of Apache Camel and the enhancements and tools Red Hat offers in support of Camel development.

Course Overview:

Camel and Red Hat Fuse enable developers to create complex integrations in a simple and maintainable format. Camel development is organized around

  • Routes that define a sequence or flow of processing.
  • Processors that transform, interpret and modify messages within a Camel route.
  • Components that enable the creation of endpoints that interact with the outside world for acquiri

Prerequisites for this course:

  • Experience in developing and deploying Java EE 7 applications
  • Experience with relational databases, JDBC, and SQL
  • Experience with Java development tools such as Maven and Eclipse

Outline for this course:

Describe the classroom environment, support systems, functions of the under cloud components, and more.

Describe the classroom environment, support systems, functions of the under cloud components, and more.

Describe the classroom environment, support systems, functions of the under cloud components, and more.

Describe the classroom environment, support systems, functions of the under cloud components, and more.

Describe the classroom environment, support systems, functions of the under cloud components, and more.

Describe the classroom environment, support systems, functions of the under cloud components, and more.

Describe the classroom environment, support systems, functions of the under cloud components, and more.

Describe the classroom environment, support systems, functions of the under cloud components, and more.

Describe the classroom environment, support systems, functions of the under cloud components, and more.

Camel Integration and Development with Red Hat Fuse on OpenShift (JB421)


32 Hrs


₹ 29500 + GST

Trainer Profile


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